My name is Scott, and I am a retired designer with a degree in Industrial Design. I am also a car guy. Always have been.
I started drawing cars when I was 10 (in 1984), and I knew from that point that I wanted to become a car designer. I drew a LOT of cars, and I was starting to get pretty good at it.

Determined to be an automotive designer, drawing cars became my life by the time I was in my mid teens. I even contacted the GM Design Center in Warren Michigan to see if they could put me in touch with a real designer. I made sure to include some of my sample sketches in the letter.
The result? I was rewarded several months later with a hand written response from one of the design directors with encouraging words. So freakin’ cool.

Here’s an assortment of the kinds of cars that I was drawing close my graduation from high school (1992):

I was ultimately accepted into the College for Creative Studies in Detroit Michigan (CCS) in the fall of 1992.
Plot twist:
Despite being accepted into the Automotive Design program at the end of my freshman year, I chose to focus on general industrial design instead. Pigeonholing myself into one specific area of design sounded scary, and I wanted to have options. Looking back on it, I should’ve stuck with automotive design. What the hell was I thinking?
I stopped drawing cars after my freshman year of college – but my interest in cars has never diminished.
At the age of 37 (in 2011), I became determined to pick up where I left off 17 years prior.
I launched with the goal of documenting the process of learning how to draw cars all over again.
This was my first car rendering in 17 years. Yeah, I was a little rusty.