pencil sketch IROC-Z camaro

Quick digital sketch of a 1987 Camaro IROC-Z

Ahh, the third generation Camaro. The IROC-Z was the dream car of my childhood, and to this day I consider it to be one of the first cars I’ll add to my collection if I ever find myself with the space (and funds) to store lots of cars. My uncle had one of these things, and he let me drive it – which thinking back on it was probably a pretty stupid thing to do. Throwing the keys from a high-performance car to a teenager with only a learners permit makes me shiver now that I’m a 40-something responsible old fart, but I’m not going to lie when I say that it was an experience I’ll never forget!

Following right along behind the quick sketch of the 1970 Nova I just posted is another quick digital sketch – this time of a 1987 IROC. Unfortunately, it didn’t turn out quite as well as I hoped it would – but I know exactly why that happened and I’ll be sure to not make that same mistake with my next sketch.

The problem was that I decided to make this a very high-resolution illustration (5000x3000px), and the pencil brushes in SketchBook Pro are too thin at that resolution to get the nice heavy outline strokes that I like.

Quick edit it from a January 2025: SketchBook Pro has resolved this issue (which you can see the results of in the post about my R32 GT-R drawing).

The unfortunate result of that is a sketch that looks very thin with very little variance in line weight – a big no-no in my book (line weight is so important!) and I walked away from this one feeling quite unsatisfied. Oh well. Lesson learned.

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  1. I own a 1986 Iroc. I find this drawing beautiful. Have you tried with real markers? I’m looking into having a tatoo done with something like this. Congrats!

    1. Thanks Juan! The IROC is one of my favorite cars of all time actually – you’re lucky to own one!

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